Authors: S. Bortolussi,J.M. Pinto,S.I. Thorp,R.O. Farias,M.S. Soto,M. Sztejnberg,E.C.C. Pozzi,S.J. Gonzalez,M.A. Gadan,A.N. Bellino,J. Quintana,S. Altieri,M. Miller,
Journal: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Abstract: A facility for the irradiation of a section of patients’ explanted liver and lung was constructed at RA-3 reactor, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina. The facility, located in the thermal column, is characterized by the possibility to insert and extract samples without the need to shutdown the reactor. In order to reach the best levels of security and efficacy of the treatment, it is necessary to perform an accurate dosimetry. The possibility to simulate neutron flux and absorbed dose in the explanted organs, together with the experimental dosimetry, allows setting more precise and effective treatment plans. To this end, a computational model of the entire reactor was set-up, and the simulations were validated with the experimental measurements performed in the facility.