Fairchild awards 19th ICNCT Granada

These awards are given in honor of one of the pioneers of BNCT, Dr. Ralph Fairchild. These are given to outstanding contributions to the ICNCT conference from young researchers. Each will receive a monetary prize of 500€. The organizers commented it was extremely difficult to select the final recipients of the award as all the candidates have made great scientific contributions to the conference. They thank all of them for their participation in this congress. 8 young researchers received the Fairchild award (8th edition) given jointly by the ICNCT and ISNCT.

Kohei Yoshimura
Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan.
“Basic experiments to expand the therapeutic application of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)”

Takahiro Nomoto
Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
“Synthesis of functional polymers boosting therapeutic potential of p-boronophenylalanine and analysis of the effect of their physicochemical properties on pharmacokinetics”

Chiara Magni
Department of Physics, University of Pavia & INFN Pavia.
 “Alliflu: a novel material for the Beam Shaping Assembly of an AB-BNCT clinical facility”

Evgenia Sokolova
Novosibirsk State University.
“In situ study of the blistering effect of copper with a thin lithium layer on the neutron yield in the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction”

Nishiki Matsubayashi
Graduate school of engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto university, Japan.
“Development of the two steps ionization chamber for monitoring the neutron beam intensity”.

Ana Mailén Dattoli Viegas
Computational Dosimetry and Treatment Planning Group, BNCT, National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina.
“Detailed dosimetry calculation for in-vitro experiments and its impact on clinical BNCT”

Jie Qi
Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China.
“Analysis of the effects of spatial distribution of boron and oxygen concentration on DNA damage in boron neutron capture therapy using monte carlo simulations.”

Yuri Morizane
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan.
“Development of Submillimeter Gamma Camera for Measuring Boron Distribution in Brain Tumor of Rat -Design and Examination of one collimator hole camera“

Congratulations for this wonderful achievement!