
ISNCT Interviews

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Prof. Dr. Ignacio Porras

President of the International Society for Nuclear Capture Therapy.
University of Granada, Spain

Prof. Dr. Silva Bortolussi

Secretary and treasurer of the International Society for Nuclear Capture Therapy.
University of Pavia, Italy

Prof. Dr. Akira Matsumura

Vice-President of the International Society for Neutron Capture Therapy.
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Prof. Dr. Stuart Green

Member of the Board of Councilors of the ISNCT.
University Hospital Birmingham, U.K

Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Nakamura

Technical Chair – Chemistry, Executive Board of the ISNCT.
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Dr. Amanda Schwint

Expert on veterinary application of BNCT.
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica and CONICET, Argentina

Prof. Fong-In Chou

Co-winner of the 2021 Hatanaka award.
National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Dr. Naonori Hu & Dr. María Pedrosa

PhDs 2020
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan & Nacional Research Center (CNRS), France

Prof. Dr. Yuan-Hao Liu

Manager at Neuboron Medtech.
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China

Dr. Ian Swainson

Nuclear physicist at the International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA, Vienna, Austria

Prof. Dr.Andres Kreiner

Head of Department at the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica CNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Yi-Chiao Teng and Dr. Ricardo Ramos

Kent Riley Award winners 2022 and 2015
Neuboron Therapy System, China & National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy

Other BNCT related Interviews

ASVIDE interviews

Dr. Yi-Wei Chen
Education is the main method to popularize BNCT, a powerful special cancer treatment

Hiroyuki Nakamura
Accelerator-based BNCT will be chosen as a primary therapy for early stage cancer

Prof. Hiroshi Fukuda
The 50-year history of boron neutron capture therapy

Dr. Amanda E. Schwint
Enjoy every step of the way and admit “there are always more questions than answers”

Prof. Akira Matsumura
the accelerator-based clinical trial of BNCT for melanoma will be started in 2019

Prof. Chou
The use of a suitable boron drug in BNCT will be beneficial to treat liver cancer patients

Dr. Tatsuhiko Sato
A new model for estimating therapeutic effect of BNCT using the PHITS code

Prof. Jun Hatazawa
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)—a star that needs the joint of multi-discipline knowledge

Prof. Rolf F. Barth
The future of BNCT will depend on the clinical trials of accelerator-based BNCT