
To promote its objectives, the ISNCT sponsors a major biennial International Congress in each even-numbered year (the International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy, ICNCT) as well as periodic smaller multinational conferences focused on the activities of early-career researchers and students (the Young BNCT meetings, YBNCT), thereby providing an environment that encourages ongoing communication and collaboration among all scientists and others involved in NCT worldwide.

Additionally, the ISNCT actively promotes the dissemination of useful and accurat Additionally, the ISNCT actively promotes the dissemination of useful and accurate scientific information about NCT to interested members of the broader international medical community and to the public at large.

Upcoming congress:
2024 (ICNCT):
20th ICNCT, Kraków, Poland. 24/28 June 2024
2025 (YBNCT):
11th Young Researchers’ BNCT meeting, TBD
2026 (ICNCT):
21st ICNCT, Argentina

Past major congress (ICNCT:International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy):

Smaller congress (YBNCT: Young Researchers’ BNCT meeting):