Enter the meeting venue here and connect with the email you used on your registration/abstract submission
Virtual meeting, 14-18 November 2022, 10:00-14:00 UTC
With great pleasure, the Communication Task Force (CTF) of the ISNCT invites you to the Young Researchers’ Meeting 2022 – hosted by CTF, to be held virtually between November 14th and 18th, from 10:00 to 14:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The Young BNCT Meetings are biennial multinational conferences focused on the activities of early-career researchers and students, that seek to provide an environment that encourages communication and collaboration among all scientists and others involved in NCT worldwide. This year, the Executive Board of the ISNCT asked the CTF to organize the Young Researchers’ BNCT meeting in 2022. This is the first time that the ISNCT itself organizes a meeting.
Under the motto No frontiers in BNCT, on This YBNCT-2022 CTF edition we expect to organize an easy-going, inclusive, interactive and high-quality meeting, focused on early-career researchers. YBNCT 2022 – CTF edition seeks to gather young scientists presenting their ongoing work in BNCT. The participation of experienced researchers through lectures and abstract review process is expected, in order to guarantee a high quality outcome.
We are making a really great effort to organize an innovative experience. We need your participation and collaboration. Thanks a lot and see you at the meeting.
The Communication Task Force of the ISNCT