Authors: Radulović V., Kos B., Trkov A., Snoj L.
Journal: Modern Neutron Detection. Proceedings of a Technical Meeting
Abstract: This paper presents the recent activities at the Jožef Stefan Institute in neutron spectrum characterization and cross section validation using the GRUPINT spectrum adjustment code, developed at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. GRUPINT is a complex code package, which was originally developed for the calculation of constants relevant to Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) from neutron spectra and cross sections in standard SAND-II 640 energy group structure. Over time the original code has been extensively upgraded and numerous features have been added, such as the fitting of input neutron spectra obtained from Monte Carlo calculations with an analytical expression and fitting the function parameters to measured reaction rate ratios. Results of a recent study aimed at determining the applicability of boron nitride filters to shift the sensitivity of a particular set of capture reactions to the epithermal range, for neutron spectrum characterization and cross section validation, are presented. Finally, an application of the GRUPINT code to Bonner Sphere Spectrometry in the framework of a recent EURADOS intercomparison exercise, is described.