Authors: Borje Larssont,Detlef Gabels,Hans Borner
Abstract: Please note that terms and conditions apply. Boron-loaded macromolecules in experimental physiology: tracing by neutron capture radiography View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more 1984 Phys. Med. Biol. 29 361 Abstract. The search for suitable methods of attaching the boron isotope ‘ OB to tumour cells in the human body for the treatment of malignant disease has prompted a study of ways of optimising the localisation of ‘ OB in mammalian tissues. Compounds rich in boron, linked to various carriers, have been studied in experimental animals and in systems of cultivated cells. The current experimental prerequisites and results are outlined. The method for ‘neutron capture radiography’ has significant potential for general application in experimental physiology. The techniques are presented from this viewpoint and compared with other methods for visualisation of macromolecular markers by the use of physical or chemical principles.
Boron-loaded macromolecules in experimental physiology: tracing by neutron capture radiography
, 1984