2015 Accelerators Article Beams ICNCT16 Physics

Neutron generator for BNCT based on high current ECR ion source with gyrotron plasma heating

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2015

Authors:   V. Skalyga,I. Izotov,S. Golubev,S. Razin,A. Sidorov,A. Maslennikova,A. Volovecky,T. Kalvas,H. Koivisto,O. Tarvainen,
Journal: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Abstract: BNCT development nowadays is constrained by a progress in neutron sources design. Creation of a cheap and compact intense neutron source would significantly simplify trial treatments avoiding use of expensive and complicated nuclear reactors and accelerators. D-D or D-T neutron generator is one of alternative types of such sources for. A so-called high current quasi-gasdynamic ECR ion source with plasma heating by millimeter wave gyrotron radiation is suggested to be used in a scheme of D-D neutron generator in the present work. Ion source of that type was developed in the Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). It can produce deuteron ion beams with current density up to 700–800mA/cm2. Generation of the neutron flux with density at the level of 7–8·1010s−1cm−2 at the target surface could be obtained in case of TiD2 target bombardment with deuteron beam accelerated to 100keV. Estimations show that it is enough for formation of epithermal neutron flux with density higher than 109s−1cm−2 suitable for BNCT. Important advantage of described approach is absence of Tritium in the scheme. First experiments performed in pulsed regime with 300mA, 45kV deuteron beam directed to D2O target demonstrated 109s−1 neutron flux. This value corresponds to theoretical estimations and proofs prospects of neutron generator development based on high current quasi-gasdynamic ECR ion source.